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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

31,084 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Mar 10, 2023

This course has a lot of great information on nutrition and simple eating without being overwhelming. It gives practical advice that anyone seeking to eat healthier can implement in their daily lives.


May 13, 2021

Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.

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301 - 325 of 8,886 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Souravi D

Oct 11, 2020

Absolutely amazing ! To learn about the fundamental basics of Food and Health is the ultimate true knowledge one can attain. Even if one is a mindful eater or curious about the subject of Food and Health, in many ways their habits can go wrong if they are not informed regarding the crucial aspects dealing with food. This course will guide you to the truth of "what healthful eating habits actually mean".

By John G

May 11, 2020

Excellent, innovating, and fun! Since food is a very important factor in everyday living, having the knowledge now as to choosing healthy and nutritious foods wisely, preparing and selecting the right foods, and becoming more conscious of healthy eating habits, a better understanding of food in general will create and develop a new lifestyle in better food choices. Thank you for offering this course.

By Alessandra E

Sep 13, 2019

I have been interested in food science since I was a preteen, I really wanted to take a quick intro into healthy eating before jumping into a college level class. This was a wonderful introduction! I learned several things I didn't know. This is a great course to take if you are confused as how to help yourself and others. I'd recommend this to anyone needing a quick intro to mindful eating practices.

By Adrián L F

Feb 22, 2018

It is a necessary course that we all need to understand. Health is not only based on getting sick and healed, it is also about prevention and prevention often involves the way we think, the way we move and the way we eat. It has been an enlightening and interesting experience. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in study Nutrition, Medicine, Pharmacy or any other Health Science related.

By Nguyen T H

Apr 8, 2020

Thank you for creating such great content. I understand more about food and health. I have to say that the information you give is so so helpful to me. At least, I am confident to go to grocery and choose the better food for me and my family.

Thank you again, what you do is so meaningful and easy to follow. This is my first complete course at Coursera and I will never reget registering it.

Thank you <3

By houda m

Jun 9, 2019

En suivant votre mooc je n'ai pas pu seulement bénéficier des innombrables informations mais aussi j'ai eu l'envie de partager ceci avec mon entourage. Merci pour vous, maintenant la cuisine n'a plus de mystère pour moi, j'ai décidé de mieux manger (la vraie alimentation) au lieu de moins manger :)

Merci pour vos efforts cela apparait que vous avez fait ceci avec beaucoup d'amour . Merci merci merci

By Abigail B

Oct 10, 2023

As a 17 who dreams of attending Culinary School one day, this course sparked my interest even more! I've loved cooking from a young age, and have hours of fun kitchen experience. All the information was captivating and I loved the interviews and home cooking videos. Being able to have 10 free and healthy recipes at the end of the course was such a great treat. I can't believe this course was free!

By Robert B

Oct 2, 2020

The first unit was a bit challenging but I had not taken a course for a long time and failed to take notes. The authoritative speakers were able to skillfully encourage and demonstrate how to buy and prepare healthy foods. The quality of the videos are superb, with wonderful production values. I have my notes and I am motivated to shun processed foods and amp up my cooking skills. Thank you.

By Jean L

Feb 1, 2020

Loved this course! As a nurse, I sometimes get so into the "science" of food and nutrition, that I forget the basics. This course helped me to not only "reset" my own eating habits, but also gave me the education to reinforce diet and health with my patients. Dr. Maya Adam is extremely engaging...I also loved that she added videos/recipes that she incorporates at home to reinforce her teaching.

By Aquilla W

Aug 18, 2021

This course was very informative about the things that are being put into our foods today. It is also frightening! But thanks to this course, it will help me make much better choices when shopping and preparing meals. Both instructors were great, well spoken, and easy to understand the importance of eating smart and eating well! Maya, your radiant skin tells that you eat a very healthy diet!

By parastoo J

Aug 2, 2022

This course was wonderful. It had useful lessons and a very knowledgeable instructor. I learned a lot from this course.Now i know the nutrients and I know what a healthy diet consists of. I also know the importance of informing communities to prevent overconsumption of fast foods.And I try to share the information I learned with those around me.

I am very grateful to the producers of this course

By Aftab R

May 25, 2023

This is very great work of Stanford university to serving knowledge all over the world through this plate form. This course in not only important for student but also its important for everyone. World is facing soo many problems regarding food and health. Now a days obesity and diabetes are main issues are seeming everywhere this course is important about awareness regarding foods and health.

By Marnille U

Apr 29, 2021

I absolutely enjoyed this course for three main reasons. First, the author/instructor was so knowledgeable of the topics and she made the learning so engaging. Secondly, I learned about food and nutrition facts that I have never heard of and cared about before. Lastly, the healthy recipes and cooking videos that were shared were such a delight. I can't wait to enroll in another similar course.

By Neetu

Jul 2, 2020

It was a great experience.i learned a lot from this course.How d quality n quantity of food effects our health?it was something different.The way we see d food is helps me to saw d food from a different perspective which is very important n helpful.Great time learning this.Thankoo Michael Pollen sir for sharing ur knowledge n experience wid us.Thankoo Stanford...thankoo Coursera..

By Elizabeth A B

Mar 9, 2019

I was not sure what I would learn but it was very educational and put in a way that was simultaneously easy to understand and I was able to retain the information. It shattered many food myths that come with my culture, age and even how advertisers have helped mold my thoughts on something as simple as what food I eat daily. I ENJOYED this course and am very happy I chose to take it. Thank you

By Mahesh S

Aug 1, 2020

The course allows one o understand the benefits of understanding the healthy diet plan which included less of the processed foods . It also allowed us to learn how to keep a balance between diet for what purpose we wanted to create it be it to reduce cholesterol to control fats inside or to maintain health recommended at time of need. Selection of items using the nutrient chart and many more.

By Emil

Apr 9, 2020

This is a very pleasant course. The main reasons I took it was, that it offered translations in a European language. Also Stanford has a reputation for an elite university, so receiving information regarding this topic was interesting to me. I have say, that the last week 5 was looked like more like some kind of a mixture between kitchen show and a kids show. I think this was too much for me.

By Liliana B

Jun 19, 2020

Muy contenta por el contenido del curso, me aportó una mirada amplia sobre la elección de los alimentos, su valor nutricional y conocer mas profundamente sobre los productos refinados, sus componentes y su bajo aporte para una alimentación saludable.

Muy interesante adquirir tanta información sobre la correcta lectura de las etiquetas y la revalorización de cocinar en casa.

Muchas gracias!!!

By Maria d M P M

May 10, 2018

I really enjoyed the course and all the little tips the professors gave to make eating healthy easier. Also, all the historical explanations for why we got to eating so badly were very interesting. I only felt it was a little too short, I would really have loved for the course to talk more about labeling, which ingredients to avoid but also which certifications/claims are really trustworthy.

By Karima E A A

Sep 2, 2022

انان العالم بتاكل اللحوم غنية بالطعام المعالج ذات كمية ضئيلة من الحبوب والفواكه والخضراوات الناس الذين يأكلون بهذه الطريقة لديهم معدلات عالية من الأمراض المزمنة وعند التفكير في المعدلان المتزايدة للسمنة المغرطة والداء السكري يمكن أن تعتبره مثل موجة تسونامى قبالة الساحل الاطباء هذه الأيام في حاجة ماسة لان ينصحوا المرضي عن الطعام أكثر من أى وقت مضى أى الأطعمة عليهم أن يأكلوا منها أكثر أو أقل

By Jana J G

Jun 3, 2020

The course for me is very enriching. It highly affirms my passion on food and health. I am grateful of this course that is readily available on line. The learning processes and the time pacing are very liberating. Even if I studied solo, it was fun. Everything I guess is designed for custom-made learning. The pacing works for me. I am grateful and completely satisfied. Great pat on my back.

By Khanh P T M

Sep 3, 2021

This course is very useful personally for me. It has changed my cooking habit and helped me take serious responsibility for whatever I use for cooking. We always have choices to choose whatever you want to put inside your body. Last but not least, food is not only food, that's a magical process that you've never known exactly what happens to you until you have a better understanding of it.

By Heather B

Sep 23, 2021

As a Registered Dietitian I felt that this course was very thorough and timely. Loved the review of basic science and nutrition principles and really appreciated the way the nutrition information is presented. This course offers practical ways to apply this knowledge so that we can all improve the foods we are chosing and have the better health that we all crave! Well Done! Thank you.

By Diana

Sep 25, 2019

I am amazed! This course is on the best I've applied to so far. It includes everything, from information about metabolism, healthy and unhealthy food, how to read nutrient labels, to tasty cooking recipes. What I liked the most is the fact that it'n not too long but it has everything you need. The less is more! Thank you so much for teaching me and showing me what it takes to eat healthy.

By Xiaomei P

Jan 13, 2022

This is the first nutrition course I had on Coursera. I liked this course's well designed Syllabus and enjoyed the whole course! I learned quite a few good and helpful things about food, nutrients, cooking and maintaining our health. And I earned my first Certificate on Nutrition. Many sincere thanks to our Lecturer Maya Adam, to Stanford University, and to Coursera!!! Xiaomei Pierce